Have the people listed below moved house over the past 12 months (during the period that you have known them)?
Zijn onderstaande personen de afgelopen 12 maanden verhuisd (in de periode dat u hen kende)?
Have you moved to another address in the past 12 months (between April 2009 and today)?
Does your father suffer from one or more protracted diseases, afflictions or handicaps?
To what extent is your father hindered in his daily activities by these protracted diseases, afflictions or handicaps? Is he hindered seriously, slightly or not at all?
In welke mate wordt uw vader door deze langdurige ziekten, aandoeningen of handicaps belemmerd in zijn dagelijkse bezigheden? Wordt hij sterk, licht of niet belemmerd?
Does your mother suffer from one or more protracted diseases, afflictions or handicaps?
To what extent is your mother hindered in her daily activities by these protracted diseases, afflictions or handicaps? Is she hindered seriously, slightly or not at all?
In welke mate wordt uw moeder door deze langdurige ziekten, aandoeningen of handicaps belemmerd in haar dagelijkse bezigheden? Wordt zij sterk, licht of niet belemmerd?
It’s not always easy to park a car. Below we describe three possible parking situations. Please indicate which parking situation applies to your own home address.
Parkeren van auto's is niet overal even gemakkelijk. We onderscheiden hier drie mogelijke parkeersituaties. Kunt u aangeven welke parkeersituatie van toepassing is bij uw eigen woonadres?
Is parking at your home address free of charge, is it paid parking, or is there only parking for permit holders?