The following statements are about your family and friends. Whenever we refer to family, you should think of the following persons: • your partner • your children (also if they are living at home with you) • your parents • your brothers and sisters • your grandparents or grandchildren, and •...
De volgende stellingen gaan over uw familie en vrienden. Als wij het over familie hebben moet u steeds denken aan de volgende personen: • uw partner • uw kinderen (ook als die bij u in huis wonen) • uw ouders • uw broers en zussen • uw grootouders of kleinkinderen en • uw ooms, tantes, neven en...
Illustration number 1 1. What is happening and who are the persons in the picture? 2. What happened before this situation, and what led up to this situation? 3. What are the people in the picture thinking and feeling? 4. What is going to happen, how will the story end? Please type your story...