You have just told us that the chance is [al154]% that you will get cervical cancer in the next 5 years.Which of the following statements do you agree with most?
U gaf zojuist aan dat u denkt [al154]% kans te hebben om in de komende 5 jaar baarmoederhalskanker te krijgen.Welke van de onderstaande mogelijkheden geeft het beste weer hoe u over deze kans denkt?
What do you think is the chance that you will get cervical cancer in the next 10 years?
Did you have an STD-test taken by your general practitioner or another medical doctor?
[if al010>35: This is the final topic/if al010<=35: Now we have two final topics. The first questions that follow are about research on STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases).]
[if al010>35: Nu volgt het laatste onderwerp/if al010<=35: Er komen nu nog twee onderwerpen. De eerstvolgende vragen gaan over onderzoek naar SOA’s (seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen).]
What do you think is the chance that you will get cervical cancer and die from it in the next 20 years?
Hoe groot schat u de kans dat u baarmoederhalskanker krijgt en eraan overlijdt in de komende 20 jaar?
What do you think is the chance that you will get cervical cancer and die from it in the next 10 years?