Hoe groot was in het boekjaar 2007 uw belang in de BV waarvan u (groot)aandeelhouder bent, uitgedrukt in een percentage?
Can you say, then, to what category the private equity belonged of the private limited company of which you are (majority) shareholder, on 31 December 2007?
Kunt u dan aangeven in welke categorie het eigen vermogen van de BV waarvan u (groot)aandeelhouder bent viel op 31 december 2007?
Did you have any money loaned out to the private limited company of which you are (majority) shareholder, on 31 December 2007?
Had u op 31 december 2007 geld geleend aan de BV waarvan u (groot-)aandeelhouder bent?
Can you say, then, to what category the amount that you had loaned out to the private company belonged?
Were you part of any form of partnership (Dutch: maatschap or vennootschap onder firma) in 2009?
Did the fiscal year of your partnership correspond to the calendar year, on 31 December 2007?
Was op 31 december 2007 het boekjaar van uw maatschap of vennootschap onder firma gelijk aan het kalenderjaar?
How large was your own share in the equity of the own partnershipin the fiscal year[if ca041=1: 2007 / 2006/2007], according to the fiscal balance on the balance date [wave2: in Euros]?
Hoe groot was in het boekjaar [als ca041=1: 2007 / 2006/2007] volgens de fiscale balans uw aandeel in het eigen maatschaps- of vennootschapsvermogen per balansdatum [wave 2: in euro's]?
Can you say, then, to what category your own share in the equity of the own partnershipbelonged, on the balance date?
Kunt u dan aangeven in welke categorie uw eigen aandeel in het eigen maatschaps- of vennootschapsvermogen per balansdatum viel?
Were you self-employed in a one-man company or as company owner (not a majority shareholder director) in 2009?