

Last month we asked you whether you would like to participate in a survey covering 28 days about happiness in relationships between married and unmarried couples. We notified you by letter that you have been selected for this survey. You have indicated to have been in a relationship (married or otherwise) for at least 5 years, and that you will see your partner regularly this month. Below we briefly explain the survey once more. If you are already familiar with this information, you can also click on ‘Continue’ to start the questionnaire for Monday. From Monday 7 May to Sunday 3 June, you will be asked to answer two questions each day by entering a short answer, and to respond to twenty statements about your experiences with your partner that day. If you did not see or talk to your partner at all that day, then you don’t need to complete the questionnaire for that day. It will not take more than 5 minutes each day to complete the questionnaire. We request that you complete the questionnaire on as much days as possible. As these questions are about what you experienced that day, it is important to complete the questionnaire as late in the day as possible. That is why the questionnaire for each day is only available from 17.00 hours onward. Each day we shall also send you a reminder by email around this time. You have until 17.00 hours the next day to complete the questionnaire. At that hour the current questionnaire closes, and the questionnaire for the subsequent day becomes available. Thus, you could complete the questionnaire for Monday 7 May on Tuesday 8 May until 17.00 hours, and from 17.00 hours onward you can complete the questionnaire for that Tuesday until 17.00 hours on Wednesday 9 May. Once a questionnaire has been closed, it is no longer possible to complete it for that day. Regardless of the reason (e.g. a weekend outing or sickness), if you are unable to participate on any particular day, then it is unfortunately not possible to complete it on another day. For each completed questionnaire you will receive 75 cents. You can moreover earn a bonus, depending on the number of days that you participate: for at least 7 fully completed questionnaires your bonus is 1 euro, for at least 14 fully completed questionnaires your bonus is 2 euros, for at least 21 fully completed questionnaires your bonus is 4 euros, for at least 28 fully completed questionnaires your bonus is 7 euro.For example: A person who completes the questionnaire 23 times will receive 23 x 0.75=17.25 euros plus a bonus of 4 euros = 21.25 euros. As usual, you will see the compensation of 75 cents on your remuneration screen after completing a questionnaire. Any bonus will be calculated after processing all the questionnaires and will be added to your remuneration credit in the month of June. Click on ‘Continue’ to start the questionnaire for Monday.

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