Last year you indicated that you had [cf036] children. This concerns biological children (which you had with your partner or someone else) as well as stepchildren, adoptive children and foster children. This also includes any deceased children. Has this number changed since last year?
Vorig jaar hebt u opgegeven dat u [cf036] kinderen hebt gekregen. Hiermee worden zowel biologische kinderen (gekregen met uw partner of iemand anders) als stiefkinderen, adoptiekinderen en pleegkinderen bedoeld. Ook eventuele overleden kinderen tellen hier mee. Is dit aantal sinds vorig jaar...
Have you had any children? With this we mean biological children (gotten with your partner or someone else) as well as stepchildren, adoptive children and foster children. Please include any deceased children as well.
Hebt u ooit kinderen gekregen? Hiermee bedoelen we zowel biologische kinderen (gekregen met uw partner of iemand anders) als stiefkinderen, adoptiekinderen en pleegkinderen. Telt u alstublieft ook eventuele overleden kinderen mee.
How many children have you had in total? Can you indicate how many biological children (both living at home and living independently) and living-at-home stepchildren, adoptive children and/or foster children you have? Also include living-at-home children of your partner, regardless of whether or...