Welk bedrag hebt u in 2007 in totaal ontvangen aan beurs of tegemoetkoming studiekosten? Alleen cijfers (hele euro's) invullen, dus zonder punten en komma’s.
Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2007 through a student grant or allowance?
Kunt u dan aangeven in welke categorie het bruto bedrag valt dat u in 2007 hebt ontvangen aan beurs of tegemoetkoming studiekosten?
What amount of income did you receive in total in 2007 through a student loan? Please enter whole numbers (whole euros) only, so without decimal points or commas.
Welk bedrag hebt u in 2007 in totaal ontvangen aan rentedragende lening (studie)? Alleen cijfers (hele euro's) invullen, dus zonder punten en komma’s.
Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2007 through a student loan?
Kunt u dan aangeven in welke categorie het bruto bedrag valt dat u in 2007 hebt ontvangen aan rentedragende lening (studie)?
What amount of income did you receive in total in 2007 as alimony from your ex-spouse? Please enter whole numbers (whole euros) only, so without decimal points or commas.
Welk bedrag hebt u in 2007 in totaal ontvangen aan alimentatie van uw ex-echtgenoot of ex-echtgenote? Alleen cijfers (hele euro's) invullen, dus zonder punten en komma’s.
Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2007 as alimony from your ex-spouse?
Kunt u dan aangeven in welke categorie het bruto bedrag valt dat u in 2007 hebt ontvangen aan alimentatie van uw ex-echtgenoot of ex-echtgenote?
What amount of income did you receive in total in 2007 as alimony for your children? Please enter whole numbers (whole euros) only, so without decimal points or commas.
Welk bedrag hebt u in 2007 in totaal ontvangen aan alimentatie voor uw kinderen? Alleen cijfers (hele euro's) invullen, dus zonder punten en komma’s.
Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2007 as alimony for your children?
Kunt u dan aangeven in welke categorie het bruto bedrag valt dat u in 2007 hebt ontvangen aan alimentatie voor uw kinderen?
What amount of income did you receive in total in 2007 as a study allowance from your parents? Please enter whole numbers (whole euros) only, so without decimal points or commas.
Welk bedrag hebt u in 2007 in totaal ontvangen aan studietoelage van uw ouders? Alleen cijfers (hele euro's) invullen, dus zonder punten en komma’s.
Can you indicate, then, to what category the gross amount belongs that you received in 2007 as a study allowance from your parents?
Kunt u dan aangeven in welke categorie het bruto bedrag valt dat u in 2007 hebt ontvangen aan studietoelage van uw ouders?
What amount of income did you receive in total in 2007 as allowances from family? Please enter whole numbers (whole euros) only, so without decimal points or commas.